
The Midland and Great Northern Joint Railway Society is a company limited by guarantee no. 3355411, and a registered charity no. 1063676/0. Registered office: Sheringham Station, Sheringham, Norfolk, NR26 8RA. Registered in England. The M&GN Joint Railway Society is the major shareholder in the North Norfolk Railway plc.
Every effort has been made wherever possible to ensure all information on this website is as accurate as possible. Any views expressed on this website are those of the webmaster and not necessarily those of the M&GN Joint Railway Society. All media on this website is owned by the M&GN Joint Railway Society, except where otherwise stated. Every effort has been made to attribute articles, photographs and any other media to the relevant authors/owners where possible. Any queries regarding photographic copyright should be directed to the webmaster.
The Society annually publishes reports and accounts in preparation for the annual general meeting which is usually held in July.
A copy of the 2024 AGM Report and Financial Statements can be downloaded here.
A copy of the 2023 AGM Minutes can be downloaded here.
A) All members i.e. principal and associate members age 16 and over have the right to vote;
B) All members under 16 have the right to attend and speak at meetings but have no right to vote;
C) Junior members reaching the age of 16 and student members reaching age 22 shall normally be required to pay the full adult subscription;
D) Membership is not transferable and shall cease immediately upon death; however in the case of death of a principal member any attached associate or family membership shall continue until the next renewal date; for Associate Adult Life members, membership continues until death.
E) Notice of general meetings shall be sent addressed the principal member who shall be responsible for ensuring all other members domiciled at the same address (for the purpose of their membership) shall be made aware of the notice and shall receive a voting proxy form if relevant.
F) Membership is valid for twelve months from the date of joining or the first quarter date for renewal arising thereafter. (Excludes life membership)
Members have the right to terminate membership at any time by giving written notice to the membership secretary. The Society can terminate a member's membership immediately in the event of non-payment of the subscription or at the recommendation of Council. In the event of termination of membership upon recommendation by the Council, the member shall have the right of appeal as set out below. No refunds of membership fees shall be made or due in the event of termination of a membership for whatever reason.
A) Principal members will be entitled to receive copies of 'Joint Line'. The purpose of associate membership is that all mailings will be sent only to the address of the principal member and associates and junior family members will not receive copies of general mailings.
B) A discount of up to 70% is available on the following fares to members travelling with a valid membership card on the North Norfolk Railway. The discount applies only on full return fares/rover tickets between Sheringham and Holt for families, adults, senior citizens and children excluding Special Events. There will be no discounts on single tickets, or part-journey single or part-journey return tickets. There will be no discounts at any special event advertised in the published timetable, or at any other event specified by the North Norfolk Railway PLC. Any special one-off discounts negotiated by the Society Council for special events will be communicated separately. The reduced rate fare benefit cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounted, promotional or special fare. Members using the discounted rate will be ineligible for any North Norfolk Railway voucher that may be on offer.
C) Premier Life members are entitled to free travel and Premier Life Plus members are entitled to free travel for the member and one guest.
D) There will be no discounts on catering or shops, though special offers may be made from time to time to members at the discretion of the Commercial Manager of the North Norfolk Railway PLC.
E) Other privileges may be offered from time to time as published in Joint Line or notified to the members.
In the event of a dispute arising between a member and the Council, the member shall have the following right of appeal:
A) Initially the member should appeal in writing direct to the Chairman or Secretary of the Council. A committee of three Council members appointed by the Chairman or Secretary shall hear the member's appeal. The member shall have the right to be represented. The outcome of the appeal shall be communicated to the member in writing within 7 days of the appeal hearing, and if accepted by the member the decision shall be binding on both parties.
B) If the decision reached by Council in (a) above is rejected by the member, the member shall have the right to request that his/her appeal be considered by the membership at the next scheduled General Meeting of the Society. The Council and the member shall be required to make all correspondence and other relevant documentation available for inspection by the membership at the meeting. The decision of the meeting shall be final and binding on both parties.
Membership of the Society does not entitle members to a right of access of the Society's assets.
Members must abide by the rules of operation of the North Norfolk Railway PLC whilst visiting or working on the railway and volunteers must apply for and conform to the North Norfolk Railway's requirements for volunteers. Copies of the relevant documents are available at Sheringham station, or are posted on the railway.
Articles of Association
The M&GN Society's Articles of Association can be requested by emailing