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Join the M&GN Joint Railway Society and become a part of East Anglia's largest railway charity. By becoming a member, you help us to continue supporting the North Norfolk Railway through the restoration, maintenance and operation of our five locomotives and many unique items of rolling stock and through the preservation of M&GN and railway memorabilia in the William Marriott Museum.

Members receive a fantastic range of benefits and discounts, including the quarterly award winning magazine Joint Line, up to 70% off NNR tickets (10% off at special events, subject to T&Cs) and discounts on selected publications produced by the M&GN Joint Railway Society.


Membership Benefits

  • Up to 70% off NNR travel (10% off at special events, subject to T&Cs).

  • Joint Line, the award winning full colour magazine of the M&GN Joint Railway Society.

  • Discount on selected Society produced publications.

  • 50% off NNR Photographic Line-side Passes.

  • Free P&P on Society publications.

  • Free travel on our Society Members’ Day.

  • Invitation to other selected events, such as locomotive launches etc.



Premier Life members are entitled to free travel, including special events.


Premier Plus Life members can also bring a guest along to the Railway who can also travel free of charge on any running day, including special events.

Join A Supporting Club

Alongside conventional membership, you can also support the Society by joining a Special Interest Club. Both members and non-members are welcome to join and the clubs let you support specific projects.


For instance, members of The Loco Club have the choice of which Society locomotive(s) to give to.


Likewise, members of the JHCF support the restoration of our vintage carriages and wagons. Click on a logo below to find out more.


Do More Than Join Us

Many M&GN Society members volunteer on the North Norfolk Railway and take an active role in running the Railway.


Society members are always welcomed and encouraged to volunteer and there are opportunities for volunteers in all areas, from workshop skills and driving locomotives through to selling and collecting tickets or assisting in the administration of the Railway.


If you are interested in volunteering on the Railway, visit the Volunteering page for more information.

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