Last Pounds for Y14:2014 Appeal
Fantastic progress is being made on the rebuilding of our J15/Y14 class locomotive No.564, but we need your help to raise the last £5,000 to close the appeal.
The locomotive boiler has now been reunited with the frames, which in turn now sit upon remachined axleboxes and wheelsets. The tender tank has also been completed and this now sits on the overhauled and painted tender frames.
A selection of the latest works photos can be viewed by clicking the thumbnail, left, which show the latest condition of the overhaul. Once all reassmbly works are complete, the engine will be run in on the East Lancashire Railway in its current works livery of unlined black.
But the shortfall of £5,000 in the appeal cannot be emphasised enough and wemustraise this with the upmost priority. Can you help? Here's how you can:
-Download and send offa donation form to make either a single donation or set up a monthly standing order.
-Visit our Online Shopto make a one-off single donation. (Please note a £1 P&P charge will be added, which we cannot remove.)
-Join the Loco Cluband select the J15/Y14 on your application.
