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Chairman updates on Y14 overhaul

At the Society AGM held on Saturday 20th July the Chairman, Martin Blee, updated members attending on plans for the overhaul of the Y14

Tender documents have been sent to selected contractors with a return date later in August. Trustees will then decide on awarding the contract. It is understood that the contractors timetable for completion of the overhaul is as important as the price. The tender documents relate to the overhaul of the entire locomotive and tender including the boiler unlike other current overhauls. The Weybourne boiler shop is already fully committed.

It was also announced that the Society planned to hold a special event featuring the Y14 before it departs the railway. Details of this will be announced at a later date.

A new Appeal has been launched to raise funds towards the overhaul.. Details can be found on the Society website

Society Chairman Martin Blee

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